We welcome thoughts, analyses, and commentaries on monthly themes and prompts.

Whether it's a painting, photo, poem, sculpture, we want to see it all! These do not have to be related to the theme.
First and foremost, we want The Disruptor to be an inclusive and welcoming space to the furthest extent possible. We will not support any racist, oppressive, or hateful content, and believe that, done thoughtfully, this will allow the greatest number and variety of voices and opinions to be heard.
We will accept submissions of up to 750 words for commentary/reflections and up to 1500 words for academic work. Authors are responsible to condense their work to the proper word count prior to submission. We will be happy to include contact information for the author(s) in the journal for readers to use to obtain a full-length version of the work.
Be sure to check the theme prompt/call for submissions for the corresponding issue as the exact word count guidelines may vary.
For academic work, please use APA style. For commentary, references may be hyperlinked. If you have questions, please contact us at sswstudentjournal@gmail.com.
While the theme prompts vary each month, the following are standing sections always open for submissions:
Comments From the Readers: We intend for the content of The Disruptor to promote critical thought and analysis of the topics under consideration and of our society more broadly. We hope readers with a response to any particular piece would be willing to share those thoughts with us at sswstudentjournal@gmail.com
What's the Latest In Student Organizing?: One of our top priorities for this platform is to strengthen student organizing efforts. We set aside a section each month for student groups to send in updates or messages to the student body, and to speak to the issues they care about.
Field Check-In: Students, tell us about your field experiences. We want to hear it all. This space is dedicated to creating a stronger community around our internship experiences. We can offer our peers insights into the various options available for field work, discuss triumphs and challenges, and connect over shared experiences.
How to submit
To submit a piece of writing to the journal, please email sswstudentjournal@gmail.com with your work attached as a word document. Please include in the email text the following: title, name(s) of author(s), nature of your association with UMB SSW (student, graduate, faculty, etc.), and any additional information about the author(s) that you would like to be included with your work if published.
For works of art, please attach your work as a PNG or JPG/JPEG file and email to sswstudentjournal@gmail.com. Include in the email text the following: title of the work (if any), description of the work (if any), name of artist(s), nature of your association with UMB SSW (student, graduate, faculty, etc.), and any additional information about the artist(s) that you would like to be included with your work if published.
We prioritize submissions from UMB SSW students and alumni.
Every writing submission to the journal goes through a 2-step review and editing process. Each submission must be approved by at least 2 reviewers to be accepted, following which it is sent to an editor and returned to the author for approval. Student group messages bypass review. Art submissions are managed by the art director.