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DEIC March Message

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee

Hi Everyone! The DEIC is a space where students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members come together to share information and work to move forward DEI efforts that impact all of us as stakeholders at the School of Social Work.

We have several meetings coming up this semester. Meetings are from 12:15-1:45pm and will be on: Friday, March 26th; Monday, April 19th; and Monday, May 17th.

Anyone who is interested in hearing about or being part of DEI work at the SSW is welcome to join us! Our subcommittees focus on key work and priorities for the DEIC. We currently have four subcommittees working in the realms of: Equity and Accessibility, Training, Documentation and Communication, and Procurement. Students can choose to participate in DEIC meetings, join a specific subcommittee of interest, or both.

If you have questions, would like zoom info to join our meetings, are interested in joining a subcommittee, or have agenda items you think would be important to discuss at an upcoming DEI meeting please reach out to us!

DEIC Co-Chairs: Maryrejahlil Lanier & Samantha Fuld

SGA Representative: Isabel McClain


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